*MUUSJA Justice Awards & Musical Soirée
WHAT: MUUSJA JAMS (Justice Awards & Musical Soirée) features great music and poetry, fabulous honorees, a tasty supper &libations, recap of MUUSJA’s work from Pastor Danny Givens and a glimpse of the future from new Executive Director Karen Wills. MUUSJA is Minnesota’s UU social action network, convening & building capacities of UU justice activists in Minnesota & our region.
WHEN: Friday, October 25, 5:30-8:30 P.M.
WHERE: Live-streamed statewide on interactive ZOOM video from UNITED THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, 767 Eustis St., Suite 140, St. Paul, MN 55114 (if new to this location, please be sure to check these DIRECTIONS, your GPS might be a little wonky in this area!)
IN-PERSON or Zoom live-stream REGISTRATION: Sign up here to reserve your place at the table, in person or via Zoom live stream to your home or local social action network gathering!
Justice Awards & Musical Soirée Annual Celebration/FUNdraising