
With a goal of building capacity to organize effectively for change, MUUSJA offers a variety of extended educational opportunities for congregations, social justice teams, or individual Unitarian Universalists from across Minnesota.
Text reads "Trans Inclusion in Congregations: a six-session online course on culture shift and radical welcome. Transforming Hearts Collective. There is a brick wall in the background with trans flag colors over it. There are five images on the bottom, a heart slowly transforming into a flying bird.

Trans Inclusion in Congregations

Thursdays, 6:30 – 8pm

April 4 – May 9


Is your congregation ready to take your welcome to the next level? Developed by Rev. Mykal Slack and Zr. Alex Kapitan, this course is for individuals, groups, and congregational teams who want to take their knowledge and skills to the next level in terms of trans identity and how to create congregations that are fully inclusive and affirming of the full breadth of gender diversity. Over six sessions you will deeply explore the intersection of trans identity, spirituality, and faith community, and gain the grounding, context, and skills to transform yourself and your congregation. Congregational teams are encouraged. Limit of 3 people per congregation. Facilitated by Dallas Rising and Dylan Flunker. 
Dylan Flunker (he/him) first connected with Unitarian-Universalism as a college student seeking a deeper queer and trans-affirming spiritual tradition than the Christianity of his youth. He’s an amateur gardener and naturalist, knitter, parent, and sci-fi nerd. Dylan’s professional background is in public policy, LGBTQ health access and experience, and LGBTQ advocacy with a focus on trans communities. He and his kids have attended First Universalist since 2017, where he’s also taught 1st grade OWL since 2019.

Dallas Rising (she/they) works for MUUSJA in communications and programming. She has led a weekly yoga class that centers queer people and bodies for the past six years and is devoted to creating inclusive and radically welcoming spaces for self-exploration and expression, believing this to be an important spiritual practice and practical form of resistance to stigmatization and oppression. This past summer, they were ordained through the Compassion Consortium as an interfaith chaplain specializing in interspecies concerns. ,

Proposed Article II

Tuesdays, 6:30 – 8pm

April 23 – May 14


Article II of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Bylaws, Principles and Purposes is the foundation for all the work of the UUA and its member congregations and covenanted communities. This four session course from UU Wellspring provides a deep dive into revisions of Article II as proposed by the UUA. Updated to include the amendments passed at the 2023 General Assembly, this program engages you in the Purposes, Values and Covenant, Inspiration, Inclusion and Freedom of Belief of the proposed Article II which will be voted on at General Assembly 2024. 


Facilitated by MUUSJA Executive Director Katie Kline.