list of offices to be elected in MN 2020

Minnesota #UUtheVote Resources

For Minnesota statewide resources, the Secretary of State’s website, with the handy mnemonic name is your one stop for every detail about how, when, and where to vote, much of it in 10+ languages.

#UUtheVote is the national effort to move progressive people to the polls, and towards public policy and civic engagement, in 2020 and beyond. COVID-19 is slowing down but not stopping this work! Here’s how to get connected to #UUtheVote in Minnesota:

First, the “congregational launch manual” at the UUA’s #UUtheVote page is a superb overview!

Then, there are “Open Office Hours” with national UUA organizers to tackle your questions, every Tuesday evening, at

For Minnesota specifically, some of the most active places to engage from home:

  • League of Women Voters of Minnesota — has about 35 chapters around the state — which register and inform voters about local elections.  As of March-April 2020, a big push is having folks write postcards to the legislators in charge of plans for redistricting (drawing the boundaries for new Congressional Districts, following the 2020 Census). The “People Powered Fair Maps” program urges legislators to appoint a bipartisan, objective commission to prevent gerrymandering by any political party. Message us at MUUSJA if your congregation can help get those postcards sent. 

  • Minnesota Indivisible Alliance is a statewide network of grassroots progressive organizing groups focused on elections and accountability.

  • #ClaimingOurVoices is the 2020 initiative from ISAIAH and FAITH IN MINNESOTA and the MAS-MN Muslim American Society. These faith leaders are meeting weekly to develop and share ideas for multifaith organizing, both to cope with COVID-19 and to organize for life during and after the crisis.

  • Minnesota Voice/We Vote MN is a team focused on voting rights and voter turn-out in 2020 in under-represented communities. 

HOW TO BECOME AN ELECTION JUDGE IN MINNESOTA: This is an important, paid role, to ensure elections are free and fair! 

If your congregation or social action group would like to meet (via Zoom videoconference or by phone) to plan #UUtheVOTE actions with some expert coaching, contact Karen Wills at MUUSJA, or 612-927-2072.

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