They Cannot Legislate Our Humanity

“what didn’t you do to bury me but you forgot i was a seed”
— Dinos Christianopoulos, 1978

Dear Ones,

Yesterday, the New York Times reported that “the Trump administration is considering narrowly defining gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth, the most drastic move yet in a governmentwide effort to roll back recognition and protections of transgender people under federal civil rights law.”  If such a definition were adopted, as the NYT’s headline suggests, “‘transgender’ could be defined out of existence.”

There is no doubt that this policy could cause incredible harm to transgender, genderqueer, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people across the country.  We can, and must, do everything in our power to resist the Administration’s attack on the rights and protections of trans people.  (For a list of actions you can take right now to prevent this odious attack from happening, see the list below this letter).

But, let us be clear:

Our Unitarian Universalist faith is uncompromising in its understanding of the sacredness of all people–no exceptions.  No matter how harmful bigoted policies and government practices may be, they cannot define who is a human being.  No policy can strip any person of the inherent worth and dignity–the un-negotiable Belovedness–with which every single person is endowed from the moment we are born to the moment we draw our last breath.  No policy can strip human beings of the inborn agency to define ourselves, express ourselves, and know ourselves as sacred creations worthy of love and community. Every single one of us–including and especially trans people–deserves not just to survive, but to thrive and flourish.

In the coming days, there will be calls to action, and I hope we will all take turns showing up to defend ourselves and our communities against the undeniable consequences of policies like these.  And, as we do, may we all be reminded that we are indeed all Beloved, all worthy of love, all sacred creations of a Love that knows us and holds us and will never let us go.

In faith and struggle,

Rev. Ashley Horan, Executive Director

What We Can Do Now

The following are some ways we can care for transgender, non-binary, genderqueer and gender non-conforming people in the wake of the leaked memo from the Trump administration.

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