A Project of MUUSJA & “Neighbors Together in Solidarity”
Thank you very much for your interest!
WHAT IS IT?: Read e-books online with children from families whose primary home language is not English. Volunteers and families will need a computer, tablet, or smartphone to share e-books from one of the libraries listed below. Project coordinators will orient and train volunteers and families, make introductions and participate in initial meetings and check-in.
Here are links to the electronic book libraries (the second link may require a password log-in, which will be provided by the project coordinator)
1. https://www.uniteforliteracy.com/
2. https://www.raz-plus.com/
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE?: Any fluent reader can volunteer. All volunteers, including teenagers, must complete a legally required background screening. This project is a collaboration among Neighbors Together in Solidarity, Success Academy, and MUUSJA (MN Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Alliance). New partner organizations are welcome.
WHEN & WHERE?: In general, about 30 minutes per week for about 8 weeks is the time commitment. This program is entirely online, typically using Zoom. Other online connections could be arranged, if necessary.
WHY does this project matter? Early readers, particularly those for whom English is not the primary home language, benefit from guided reading aloud with fluent “reading buddies.” However, many after-school tutoring and in-school supports have been suspended due to the COVID-19 crisis. This program fills a gap and responds to an expressed need of parents concerned for their children’s English-language literacy development. In addition, strengthening community and inter-cultural understanding, trust, and solidarity is an intentional goal of this project.
Project Director, Karen Wills, MUUSJA, director@muusja.org or 612-927-2072