6:30PM – Reflection & Readiness: MUUSJA UU’s Racial Justice Summit
February 16th, 18th, 20th, 23rd & 25th
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:30 – 8 p.m. Central Time; Saturday 2/20, 10-12 AM Central Time
Reflection & Readiness: MUUSJA UU Racial Justice Summit is an opportunity to reflect, convene, and connect across UU congregations in Minnesota and North & South Dakota, to share how we’ve been learning and taking action towards thriving multicultural democracy, and discern next steps for collective liberation.
Join UUs from other congregations for a Racial Justice Summit grounded in worship and covenant. Each day, we will split into breakout rooms offering racial identity caucus spaces in which white people will practice calling each other in, process their privilege, and practice ways of being that will help mitigate harm as they interact with BIPOC UUs and community members. BIPOC will similarly explore our racial and UU identities, and find strength, inspiration, and healing with one another. The conversations and connections begun at the Summit will continue long afterwards, encouraging collaborative UU racial justice work across congregations.
Unitarian Universalist values and Principles call us to racial justice work, and this Summit is open to all UUs in Minnesota and North & South Dakota who are committed to answering that call. Attendance at all sessions is encouraged, as this Summit aims to widen the circle of UU racial justice work through new and deeper connections.
An opportunity to reflect, convene, and connect across UU congregations in Minnesota, North and South Dakota, to share how we’ve been learning and taking action towards thriving multicultural democracy, and discern next steps for collective liberation. For details and to register, click here