12:30pm MN Census Hub – Calling – do this AFTER one of the Monday or Wednesday trainings

What if #VoteLove won the election and lost the Minnesota Census? Do you know that people with kids often forget to include them, people in apartments or those who speak languages in addition to English don’t get counted, those who live on Tribal lands often don’t get counted… and this can cost us a Congressional seat as well as federal and state dollars for health care, schools, environmental protections, legislative representation and every other benefit that accrues from having an accurate, complete, Census count? Did you know that this administration has maneuvered repeatedly to shut down the Census and keep that count incomplete — especially for BIPOC and lower income communities? How well does THAT line up with your UU values? This is a crisis that the MN Census Hub is asking faith communities to respond to, ASAP. The Census may end by September 30th so this is time sensitive. Hop onto one or more of these phonebanks if you possibly can, please.


Tue., Sep. 22, 2020


12:30 pm - 2:30 pm

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