Mississippi river in Aitkin County nature walk along pipeline 3

1:30pm – UU Gathering and Interfaith Vigil of Solidarity for the Water

MUUSJA & UU MINISTRY FOR EARTH are co-hosting a national UU Zoom gathering at 1:30pm CENTRAL TIME on Thursday December 17th, including the LIVE STREAM FROM LINE 3 Interfaith Prayer Vigil starting at 2:00 pm.

We consider the UU faith-based foundation for calling upon congregants to honor our 7th principle, the interdependency of all existence (and our proposed 8th principle and recent Actions of Immediate Witness from the 2020 General Assembly) in responding to the violence wrought upon the land and water, and also upon the dignity and treaty rights of Indigenous peoples. To register for the UU Gathering and Interfaith vigil, the link is https://uua.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oYhjP06zTxO69ppmquK7fQ 

For people who just want to sign up for the livestream video, but not the UU-specific half-hour gathering beforehand, that will be on Facebook and YouTube and you can get those links by registering at https://www.mnipl.org/event/water-protector-gathering-12-17-2020/


Thu., Dec. 17, 2020


Central Time
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

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