Youth Voter Registration Workshop: How your congregation can work with schools

This is a Zoom webinar from the national #UUtheVOTE initiative.

UU’s at Mission Peak Congregation, working with the Youth Voter Movement, a project of the League of Women Voters of Fremont, Newark and Union City, have registered and pre-registered nearly 6,000 new voters in the past two years. This 90-minute workshop will lay out their model of student organizers and adult volunteers working collaboratively with schools, community partners and events to coordinate voter registration drives that target high school and college students. Attend to learn more about the Youth Voter Movement and how you may replicate it near you.

This event is March 29th, 4 pm – 5:30 pm CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME.

All are welcome! There is no cost, but you need to register to obtain the Zoom link, at


Sun., Mar. 29, 2020


4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

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