What We Must Risk Now with Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen

In this political moment, people of spirit and justice must turn our power and that of our families, congregations, and institutions into disruptions that serve liberation. Join Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen for prayer, discernment, and strategy around risk, courage and what is needed now. Bring your stories and questions about limitations, cowardice, and courage.

This workshop is for anyone working toward the liberation of all people, and will have a particular focus on the role of people of faith and religious/spiritual communities in dismantling systems of oppression and domination.


Please register in advance. The workshop costs $25/person. Scholarships are available, and nobody will be turned away for lack of funds. Simply email Ashley Horan for a coupon code before registering.

About the Presenter:

Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen roots for the Wisconsin Badgers, lives in Boston, and is is learning all the time about courage, singing, cowardice and prayer. She is the Senior Strategist with Side with Love of the Unitarian Universalist Association. She has held a variety of leadership roles in the youth social justice, housing cooperative, and immigration and racial justice contexts. She feels particularly indebted to youth organizing and all those leading from within prisons and jails and tries to honors the skills, wisdom and bold vision of that work. Elizabeth brings experience with direct action and non-compliance from a variety of contexts: from fighting for affordable housing to fighting against pipelines, from occupying jails from the outside to supporting those organizing inside, from when to listen to fear and when to listen to vision. Elizabeth is particularly on fire about how people of faith can transform how we show up by sharpening our humility, softening our certainty, and emboldening our disruption.

Event Sponsors: 

The Minnesota Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Alliance (MUUSJA); the Kaleo Center for Faith, Justice and Social Transformation; and Side with Love


Sun., Sep. 23, 2018


2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


SpringHouse Ministry Center


SpringHouse Ministry Center
610 W. 28th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55408



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