“Suppressed & Sabotaged” & texting party
MUUSJA hosts a showing of the film “Suppressed & Sabotaged” starring Stacey Abrams and other heros fighting for the right to vote!
10/25 Text Wisconsin voters, whose early in-person voting begins today, a whole month after ours began in Minnesota. TEXTBANK with WUUSAN & Wisconsin Voice, and join our watch party for a free showing of the short but powerful film with Stacy Abrams, “Suppressed and Sabotaged: The Fight to Vote”. Register here for the early voting celebration! Note, texting voters is like sending short emails from your computer, it requires NO dexterity! It’s private, efficient, and effective… if you can send an email, you can do it. I’ve just learned how, and then learned how to create and run a text bank with UU the Vote and Minnesota Voices, so please join me for this Wisconsin neighbors effort on Tuesday and then stay tuned for the Minnesota textbank coming up later this week!