6 p.m. Elder Justice Convening Circle
A gathering of UU’s and friends mainly from Minnesota, North and South Dakota, concerned with elder justice, interdependence and independence, caregiving and care-receiving, aging and ageism, living and dying with a UU spirit of lifelong inherent worth and dignity. Specific topics, invited guests, and frequency of meetings will be determined by the group, facilitated and supported by MUUSJA Executive Director Karen Wills, who can be reached at kwmuusja@gmail.com
Some community organizations that may inform our conversations include Age-Friendly Minnesota, Elder Justice Center, Minnesota Leadership Council on Aging, Minnesota Board on Aging and Area Agencies, Minnesota Diverse Elders Coalition, JustUs Health resources for LGBTQIA+ elders, SEIU Homecare Workers Union, and Compassion and Choices in Minnesota and North Dakota, the WoLakota Project from South Dakota, and North Dakota’s National Resource Center on Native American Aging, among others.
Registration is free, although, if you appreciate how MUUSJA unites and amplifies the collective voice of UU’s in our states, we’re grateful for your support! Online donations link is www.muusja.org/donate