5:30pm – MICHIGAN phonebank with UUA

Here is an opportunity to help neighbors in Michigan.

UUs in Michigan along with Michigan UU Social Justice Network (MUUSJN-our state action network) are partnering with the Restaurant Opportunities Center (ROC-MI), an organization that has been working for fair wages for restaurant workers and now for covid-relief and electoral justice. They are in full swing to Get Out the Vote among people of color and others who are often targeted for voter suppression. Many of these workers and their families are infrequent voters who do not get reminder calls from partisan campaigns. Their voices need to be heard and we can help people get the information they need to be able to fight for their needs during this time of pandemic, economic crisis, racial injustice and democracy on the line.

Now that we’re in the homestretch, UU the Vote is asking UUs from around the country to join UUs and their partners in Michigan for a National Phonebank on October 15 from 6:30-8:30 pm EST. 

On our calls we will be helping people check their registration, make on-line absentee ballot requests, answer any questions about voting by mail and encourage them to vote early. We will also be offering them the opportunity to sign up to be a paid poll worker as part of ROC’s organizing efforts to ensure everyone can vote and all the votes are counted.

Our front line partners have been dealing with the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on the health and economic conditions for people of color. MUUSJN has been organizing with them to cut through the campaign of election misinformation being waged in MI by those who want to suppress the vote. We UUs can help fill a critical need in electoral organizing in Michigan and help them make some calls!

In solidarity,

Sharon Pedersen
Project Manager (she/her/hers)
MUUSJN Interfaith GOTV Campaign


Thu., Oct. 15, 2020


5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

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